Ronan Lucas

portrait Ronan Lucas

Coach & Actor

Ronan provides Acte Sept with his good humour (and his scooter) for the benefit of Improvisation. A theatrical discipline in its own right, improvisation is a terrific tool for speaking in public, team cohesion, and negotiation, among others. Benevolence, attentiveness and audacity are the key qualities needed in "la patinoire" (literally "the ice rink", i.e. the place where our improvisers perform), as well as in all sorts of situations in our professional or personal lives. With one foot in the corporate world and the other in theatre, Ronan has been performing on the stage for nearly ten years (plays by Sacha Guitry, Molière, Dante, and light comedy), as well giving theatrical improvisation performances (at matches, in cabarets). As the coach for an improvisation troop ("les Improchez-Vous"), he also delivers sessions on how to get started with improvisation to a diverse audience (business, young people, adults), organises theatre training courses and writes productions.